Today on Today: Jennifer Aniston Talks, Kinda

Er, scratch that. Leslie Bennetts, the Vanity Fair writer who talked to Jennifer Aniston, talks. Just in time for today's drop of the incredibly hyped VF September issue, in which Jennifer Aniston finally speaks out about the destruction of all that we believed in with the end of her marriage to Brad Pitt, Bennetts is making the morning show rounds (Good Morning America gets the sloppy seconds by just a few moments) to talk about her talk with Aniston.
Katie Couric starts by referring to the Pitt-Aniston breakup as "the shock heard 'round the world," and Bennetts nods empathetically. The summary of the AnistonPsyche, according to Bennetts: Aniston felt that the minute he started filming Mr. & Mrs. Smith with Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt became emotionally unavailable (why, he didn't even go to her final Friends taping, that cad). The release of the W spread was insensitive to Aniston, and the pictures of Brad and Angelina on a beach in Africa really hurt her. She intended to start a family this year and feels that tabloid reports of otherwise is simply cruel and misogynistic. We just might be seeing tears in Couric's eyes, signifying that Aniston has remarkably accomplished a reversal of the directional spin of the PR Life Cycle©. Bravo.
And now, on a lighter note, let's go to Matt Lauer interview with Douglas Wood, former hostage in Iraq!