Did Katie Couric Accuse Diane Sawyer of Handing Out BJs Like Candy?
Caity Weaver · 08/27/14 02:00PM
Sheila Weller's dishy new tell-all book The News Sorority: Diane Sawyer, Katie Couric, Christiane Amanpour—and the (Ongoing, Imperfect, Complicated) Triumph of Women in TV News won't hit shelves for a full month, but its best anecdote just exploded onto the web like 5-7 ml of semen into the mouth of Diane Sawyer, allegedly ushered there by her own enthusiastic efforts, at least according to Katie Couric (also allegedly).
Lil Wayne Admits Pain Pill Abuse in Otherwise Giddy Katie Interview
Rich Juzwiak · 09/09/13 04:30PMRapper Lil Wayne famously told Katie Couric, "I'm a gangster, Miss Katie," during a 2009 interview and the two have been good friends ever since, or so she wants us to believe. He was the first guest on today's Season 2 premiere of her daytime talk show, Katie. "Weezy and I look like an odd couple, right?" she asked all the moms who'd come to watch them talk.
Here's What Guests at Katie Couric's Wedding Can Look Forward To
Max Read · 09/03/13 08:10AMKim Kardashian Is Hashtag-Pissed at "Fake Media Friend" Katie Couric
Rich Juzwiak · 08/16/13 02:02PMCeline Dion's Two-and-a-Half-Year-Old Son Wears High Heels
Rich Juzwiak · 04/25/13 04:57PMWatch Katie Couric Call Manti Te’o Stupid, Over and Over
Kate Bennert · 01/24/13 06:50PMKatie Couric's much-anticipated interview with Manti Te'o aired this afternoon and while it's hard to say anyone was surprised by the football star's fumbling manner and general stupidity, who knew that Katie could be so vicious?
Manti Te'o Tells Katie Couric He Is Double Plus Ungay
Robert Kessler · 01/24/13 04:17PMKatie Couric's long-awaited, and equally as teased, interview with Manti Te'o aired this afternoon. Couric was not shy about addressing one of the most popular hypotheses about Te'o: "One of the theories, many theories, Manti, making the rounds is somehow you created this whole scenario to cover up your sexual orientation," Katie Couric begins. "Are you gay?"
Listen to the Hoax 'Lennay Kekua' Voicemails, Apparently Recorded by Ronaiah Tuiasosopo
Max Read · 01/24/13 01:25PMOkay. First, listen to this voicemail left on Notre Dame football star Manti Te'o's voicemail by his nonexistent "girlfriend," Lennay Kekua:
'I Wasn't as Forthcoming as I Should Have Been': A First Look at Katie Couric's Manti Te'o Interview
Robert Kessler · 01/23/13 01:55PMABC Explores the Dangers of YOLO
MTanzer · 12/22/12 11:40AM
In these last few days of 2012, parting with some of our favorite phrases and trends is proving to be a rough experience. ABC must be having a hard time saying goodbye to one of its most beloved catchphrases. One of the network's top stars, Katie Couric, embraced YOLO, or "You Only Live Once," like a child of her own.
'In One Word, Daniel Was a Light': Families of Sandy Hook Victims Speak Out on Katie
Robert Kessler · 12/17/12 07:35PM
Today's episode of Katie was dedicated completely to last Friday's Sandy Hook shooting. Katie Couric spoke with a handful of people during the show: a pastor, a family who lost a child at Columbine, but nothing was more heartbreaking than hearing from two families who had lost children just three days ago.
Caity Weaver · 09/24/12 09:22AM
Sheryl Crow Has a 'Theory' That Cell Phone Use Caused Her Brain Tumor
Neetzan Zimmerman · 09/11/12 04:55PMOther Popular Guess About Tomorrow's Today Show Host "Legend": Will Ferrell Doing Ron Burgundy
A.J. Daulerio · 04/01/12 06:05PMToday Show's Evil Plot to Have Old Chimp Dressed as Katie Couric to Co-Anchor Monday Implodes
A.J. Daulerio · 04/01/12 04:22PMNow the Good Morning America Ladies Are Pissed Off About Katie Couric's Hosting Stint
A.J. Daulerio · 03/29/12 02:06PMKatie Couric To Help Anchor Good Morning America Next Week Because Everybody Does Not Hate Her
A.J. Daulerio · 03/28/12 07:50PMGood Morning America anchor Robin Roberts goes on vacation next week and ABC/Disney has decided to trot out former Today Show queen Katie Couric to fill her slot. With all the rumored upheaval and turmoil at NBC's once untouchable morning program, some sources say this is a diabolical decision by an executive Disney goon squad done to further taunt Today and its flat ratings. The more reasonable assumption is that ABC/Disney will get a good sense of if Couric still has enough bubble-headed charisma to connect with morning audiences since her own talk show is set to premiere on ABC in September. A little early for pre-buzz, though, right?