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Tired of twiddling your thumbs and desperately wondering, How can I get my foot in the door at Condé Nast when I'm only a slightly attractive individual with average body fat? Well, young grasshoppers, it's easier than you think. One need simply spend several thousands of dollars to pursue a degree in journalism, and then fine glossies like Condé Nast Traveler will come knocking at your door with exotic, unpaid internship offers. From there, it's just a mere 6 or 7 years of indentured servitude until you're breaking the glass ceiling from your corner cubicle. And you thought j-school was a waste!

After the jump, the internship offer of your dreams.


Cond Nast Traveler Fall Fashion/Beauty and Editorial Internships.

Cond Nast Traveler is an award-winning publication with an international circulation of 700,000. We publish travel features and news with a global perspective, and an emphasis on style. We are currently seeking interns for our Fashion/Beauty and Editorial departments for the fall, roughly late August to late November.

This internship is for-credit only, and unpaid. BEFORE you apply, read the requirements for doing a credit internship through the journalism department at:

Interns assist the staff with research, phone calls and filing. Fashion/Beauty interns will also work on handling samples and invitations from designers and cosmetics companies. Editorial interns work with the features editors and their assistants on the planning stages of stories, and are often asked to do reporting for travel polls and other special projects at the magazine. Those who shine at the simpler tasks often have the opportunity to work on bigger projects, and write an occasional short piece.

For Fashion/Beauty, candidates should have a minimum of two years undergraduate work, an interest in magazine publishing/editing, familiarity with fashion, beauty-care trends and cosmetics. Editorial interns should have at least three years of undergraduate work, and prior office experience. All applicants should be familiar with Mac OS X, have good phone and research skills, and be available at least three days a week. Knowledge of foreign languages, and travel experience are beneficial.

To apply:
Please send a resume, cover letter (addressed to Dee Aldrich, Managing Editor) and 2 or 3 references to Kristin Miller, Assistant Editor, at