Teri Hatcher, Ancient Chinese Secret

The Feh blog thinks that the folks at The Hollywood Reporter could've offended Chinese people a little more effectively than this headline's hilarious reduction of the culture to their tasty food:
Desperate Housewives has been sold to a major Chinese Broadcaster, and what better way to herald this new era of US-Sino cultural openness and exchange with a crass, bigoted headline in the Hollywood Reporter! Who could blame them? The first thing I think of when I hear the word "China" is the left side of the Yang Chow menu! (Mmmmm...Slippery Shrimmmmparghdrooldrool....)
Also considered by the Reporter editors, but rejected as too 'colorful':
Little Yellow Men to Pull Rickshaws Up Wisteria Lane
Confucious Say: Despelate Housewife Find New Slanty Eyeballs
Ancient Chinee Secret: Teri Hatcher!
Knowing that bad headline jokes are usually Variety's game, we double-checked to make sure they hadn't one-upped THR, but the V kids merely offered up the disappointing, vaguely sexual "China Hot for Housewives."