Short Ends: When Agent Profiles Walked The Earth

"'A raper and a pillager?' Rifkin whispers. 'When I started out in 1974, nobody showed me how to be an agent. I had no mentor. No writers knocked on my door and gave me scripts. No actors begged me to represent them. I support a wife and two children. If I'm a raper and pillager, whom have I hurt? I think I made a lot of people a lot of money.'" Writer Ross Johnson raises a 10-year-old unpublished story from the dead (also available at Movie City News), in which he tried to finally put an end to the ubiquitous agent blowjob piece. The "colorful" quotes from the tenpercenters of a different era make it feel like you're at a cocktail party full of deeply unpleasant people, but without having to move away from your computer.
· Best News Ever: The original Paradise Hotel, perhaps the greatest reality show ever to grace a television network, is revived tonight on Fox Reality Channel. We're not sure all of the wounds caused by Charla's treachery have fully healed.
· This little anecdote involving Jennifer Lopez's flatulence and bad tipping is almost certainly not true, but you know what? It's hilarious, even as anti-fan fiction.
· Movies with transporation-related titles make the lives of lazy headline writers so much easier.
· Congratulations to the masterful publicity department at ThinkFilm (they also have The Aristocrats), who've managed to place a gossip item involving a three-way with Kevin Bacon and the chick from 7th Heaven to sneakily promote their movie Where the Truth Lies. Very, very nicely played.