
Donald Trump Regrets Skipping Debate After All

Jordan Sargent · 02/03/16 10:00AM

Everything was all good a few days ago. Donald Trump was coasting in the Iowa polls even after ditching the state’s final debate as the latest maneuver in his petty one-sided feud with Fox’s Megyn Kelly. But then it all came crumbling down.

Megyn Kelly Is a Horrible Person

Sam Biddle · 01/04/16 04:34PM

What if, a recent piece of speculative fiction in Vanity Fair wonders aloud, Megyn Kelly isn’t a poisonous bigot and shameless cable news demagogue, but a complex, flawed icon of modern feminism? Like most science fiction, this is a pack of lies meant for babies. Megyn Kelly is just as racist—or cynically willing to play the part—as every man she works with at Fox News.

Watch a Sneak Peek of the Family Guy and Simpsons Crossover Episode

Kelly Conaboy · 07/27/14 06:50PM

Family Guy's Comic-Con panel began with a peek at the show's upcoming crossover episode with The Simpsons, which airs on September 28th. The four-minute clip has somehow made its way onto the internet, and you can watch it now! If you want to!

Fast-Evolving Foxes Prepare To Wipe Out Humanity

Ken Layne · 10/15/13 01:00PM

The fox is a clever beast, famously outsmarting human and animal rivals in ancient fables, recent movies and a current Top 10 song. Humanity's relationship with the fox has long been balanced between bemused tolerance and "let's shoot them for fun and raise them in cages, for fur." But there are abundant signs that the foxes have had quite enough of people, and are making coordinated global moves to take over civilization.

The Revolution Will Not Be Vice

Hamilton Nolan · 08/19/13 09:15AM

Vice was once a humble magazine about doing heroin and having sex (on heroin). Now, Vice is a global multimedia company, partly owned by Fox, valued at $1.4 billion. Vice is so successful that it no longer needs to exist.

Gabrielle Bluestone · 05/11/13 02:30PM

Watch out for that cougar! Fox is trying to reboot the 24 franchise with a "limited series" of 13 episodes. The timing is perfect - both Keifer Sutherland and Elisha Cuthbert's series were canceled this week.

Rat Meat Sold As "Lamb" In Multi-Million-Dollar Chinese Scam

Ken Layne · 05/03/13 11:50AM

The latest terrible fake food scandal from China resulted in more than 900 arrests after criminal meat processors sold the chemical-soaked flesh of rats and foxes as "lamb meat." As more Chinese demand a daily supply of dead farm animals as food, crafty criminals are butchering and processing anything that moves.