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Today's Times has a report on the intense competition amongst the celebrity weeklies, which are a stark contrast to the otherwise festering circulation figures for newsweeklies and men's magazines. The figures, taken since the first half of 2004:

In Touch
Circulation: Up 49.7% to 1.12 million
Newsstands: Up 49.8% to 1.09 million

Us Weekly
Circulation: Up 23.9% to 1.67 million
Newsstands: Up 32.6% to 989,011

Circulation: Up 20.9% to 1.43 million
Newsstands: Down 4% to 879,356

While Janice Min frets about keeping her circulation lead and Bonnie Fuller begins forcing each Star staffer to bend over across her lap, we've got to tip our hats to the kids at In Touch. Let's hear it for Bauer Publishing, the little Jersey crackhouse that could.

To Market a Magazine, Fill It With Celebrity Gossip [NYT]