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If this Page Six item plugging journalist Neil Strauss's new book on pick-up artists is to be believed, life veered into sitcom territory when the writer "inadvertently" seduced Courtney Love (we hate it when that happens!) with his new skills during an interview and found himself with a wacky, unexpected roommate. Hilarity, it seems, ensued:

A few days after the interview, Love sent him a text message: "Can I stay at yr house? They repo the car and worse. U don't wanna know. Need to not be alone." She wound up moving in with Strauss and his cohorts and immediately made her mark: swearing at a dog, threatening to punch a male roommate in the face, borrowing Strauss' used toothbrush, and sitting in on pickup seminars topless while offering advice to the students. One night she woke him up at 2:20 a.m. with a Prada shoe in her hand, exclaiming, "Let's redecorate the house. This will be our hammer."

Remember, this is the supposedly sober version of Courtney Love playing the role of topless, Prada-wielding Bob Vila; had this been Drug-Binge Courtney, Love might have beaten Strauss to death with that shoe-hammer before redecorating the house with the unlucky dog's bones.