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· Steve Carell Is The New Poker, Part 2: Carell's Bruce Almighty character will take the lead in the sequel Evan Almighty, in which he embarks on a (hilarious!) quest to build an ark. Additionally, Carell may earn ten times his $500,000 40 Year-Old Virgin payday, making him the first actor to earn five trillion dollars for a single film. [Variety]
· Fox picks up Ivan Reitman's half hour comedy script That Guy, about a 35 year-old who decides to start living like he's 21 again. Or, in other words, like he's living a completely unremarkable life in Hollywood. [THR]
· Sensing an opportunity to get more than 15 people to take interest in one of their shows, UPN launches the biggest promo campaign in its history to make sure that each and every person in America is aware of Everybody Hates Chris. [Variety]
· Hurricane Katrina proves terribly inconvenient for various pre-VMA bacchanalia. Damn, you, Mother Nature, Carson Daly needs to get his schwerve on! [THR]
· The Weinsteins decide that "The Twins of Tribeca" sounds better than "The Psychos of SoHo," decide to stay put in their old neighborhood. [Variety]