No Brotherly Love for Laurel Touby

On the one hand we're astonished there's so little real news in the sixth borough that this made the Philadelphia City Paper. On the other hand we're a bit surprised this sort of thing doesn't happen more often.
Mediabistro founder Laurel Touby swanned into Philadelphia two weeks ago for one of her exclusive!!! media non-networking parties, City Paper reports. She mingled, she listened to a book reading organized by her local Philly hostess, and then, in thanking the hostess, Bobbi Booker, who's been hosting Mediabistro parties there for two years, Touby misidentified her. Which prompted Booker to quit on the spot.
For the good of all involved, ourselves included, we'll refrain from further comment on this. Except to note our favorite detail from the City Paper story:
"I was crying after what she said to me," Touby told the paper, apparently forgetting it's actually the insulted volunteer who gets first dibs on tears. But we also understand where Laurel was coming from: It was her party, so she could cry if she wanted to.
After all, you would cry, too, if it happened to you.