We can't believe we didn't know about this for a whole week, and we feel terrible about all the books — new paperbacks only, we'll remind you — you've been sending to the wrong address. But it turns out the Times initially gave the wrong address for donations to Judy Miller's prison reading list. This was corrected in a memo last Monday:

August 22, 2005
Judy Miller Address Correction

The address to send books to Judy Miller was incorrect. The error was caught by C.J. Satterwhite, a news assistant for City Weekly, who had a 34-lb box of books returned to her.

Here is the correct address:

Barbara Brincefield
Cahill, Gordon, Reindel
1990 K St. N.W., Suite 950
Washington, DC 20006

Hey, why would you expect a newspaper to get the facts right the first time around?

Earlier: Judy Miller Loves Jail, Hates Used Books