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The publicity blitz is starting for CBS News's soon-to-come "nonbudsman" blog, the non-opinionated, non-media critical, non-house organ publication that, in wake of Memogate, seems designed to serve as a toothless CBS equivilent of the Times's post-Blair Okrentification.

Today's stop on the PR tour is a Hollywood Reporter article, in which CBS News chief Andrew Heyward concedes he's a bit concerned about the project.

"It's going to be an honest, fair, unvarnished look at what we do, and that means that it's an experiment," Heyward said. "It's a risk."

He's right; it is a big risk. All sorts of bad thing could happen. What if CBS News loses it credibility? What if it loses all its viewers? What if it is forced to remove its veteran lead anchor?

Nah. Those things could never happen.

CBS News Counters Bloggers With 'Nonbudsman' [Hollywood Reporter via Yahoo!]