Gossip Roundup: Impregnating Sienna Miller Through Our Own Will

• Those who care are whispering that Sienna Miller has pulled out of the Roland Mouret fashion show on September 13, perhaps because she'll be too busy feeding Jude Law's fetus. She's yet to contact anyone regarding her role in Factory Girl, which begins shooting in November, so expect her to poop that baby out by October. [Page Six]
• When Jimmy Kimmel disses Star Jones, actress Vivica Fox comes to her friend's defense. Eager to patch things up, Kimmel suggests a dinner with Fox, Jones and her "hubby" Al Reynolds, at which point Fox predicted that Kimmel would have his ass kicked. Certainly not by Al, though. [Lowdown]
• Upon seeing the August Vogue pictorial featuring "Madonna ostentatiously posing in riding habit and boots on a horse whose reins she is awkwardly and incorrectly holding," Camille Paglia knew she was in for a spill. And yet, Paglia did NOTHING to save Madonna. Bitch. [Page Six]
• Sharon Stone pitches a high-powered fit over losing the role of Lana Turner in the late actress' biopic to the significantly younger Catherine Zeta-Jones. [Scoop]
• When the going gets tough, Jets owner Woody Johnson just quits. Or at least suggests selling off his team. [R&M (2nd item)]