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What's perhaps the only thing that could be more badly timed than a sitcom about terrorists? How about a new, much-hyped drama series about a family "trying to recover from a devastating hurricane and its mysterious aftermath"? ABC stopped soiling itself long enough to quickly and wisely disappear its disaster-themed promos for Invasion:

"Invasion" is among the most highly anticipated fall premieres. But as the overwhelming destruction of Hurricane Katrina dominated newscasts and headlines Wednesday, ABC yanked on-air promotions for the series. The promotions will probably return later, albeit with references to the show's fictional hurricane downplayed or removed.

At the moment, ABC said, it does not plan to move the Sept. 21 premiere. "As with anything as serious as this, we are taking great efforts to assess sensitivities with regard to our series," the network said in a statement.

Their executives have about three weeks to evaluate a proper course of action, plenty of time to sit around watching CNN and occasionally ask, "Hey, it looks like the city's drying out a little, right? Can we do this now?" or "But ours is an alien hurricane, and isn't that completely different?" before deciding whether or not to push back the premiere.