Donald Trump Says His Muslim Ban Will Help the U.S. Make Muslim Friends
Melissa Cronin · 05/08/16 02:31PMOver the course of this election race, it’s remained unclear exactly what type of friend Donald Trump is. But if his ideas about international friendships are anything to go on, we can likely hazard a guess that he’s a pretty crappy one.
Watch the Worst of Donald Trump's Wild Media Tour
Gabrielle Bluestone · 12/08/15 12:20PM
If there’s one thing Donald Trump knows, it’s how to get on TV—and after his xenophobic policy pivot last night, get on TV he did. In fact, the Donald spent the last 18 hours on a whirlwind tour of the cable networks parroting the same canned provocations over and over: Did you see that thousands of people lined up to get into his speech? Have you even heard of the World Trade Center attack? How about the other World Trade Center attack? Did you see this poll saying the Muslims are going to murder us all in our sleep?
Ray Kelly Will Be a Producer on ABC Cop Show Inspired by His Racist, Paranoid Policing
Brendan O'Connor · 10/29/15 06:58PMR.I.P. Manhattan Love Story, Fall's First Canceled Sitcom
Kelly Conaboy · 10/25/14 02:50PMEither 192% of Americans Weighed in on Obamacare or WaPo's Chart Sucks
Adam Weinstein · 04/29/14 11:00AMDavid Lynch Is (Not?) Directing New "Twin Peaks" Scenes With "Hot Girls"
Ken Layne · 01/07/14 02:45PM
Television's most delightful occult/weird-crime/Tibetan Book of the Dead soap opera was Twin Peaks, first broadcast on ABC in 1990 and 1991. It was a magical era before all the characters stared at smart phones and websites all the time, because such things didn't exist. And now David Lynch is looking for a "HOT caucasian girl," among other Los Angeles actors, for a semi-mysterious Twin Peaks project.
John Mayer Said "Fucking" on GMA, Shaded Girlfriend Katy Perry
Rich Juzwiak · 12/17/13 12:23PMAwww. Pop's hottest, most convincingly eternal couple, John Mayer and Katy Perry, stopped by Good Morning America to premiere their "Who You Love" video and, in the process, awkwardly suffered through their first-ever shared interview. They discussed their seating configuration woes ("We don't quite know what kind of body language we're supposed to be exhibiting at the moment—you get too close and it's too touchy-feely, you sit too far away they say, 'I don't see chemistry,'" lamented Mayer) and first date (they had dinner, reported Perry, adding fascinatingly, "We share music as a love together, you know, that's like a common interest so..."). And then Mayer talked about his adverse reaction to watching Perry in the studio:
CNN Says ABC's Benghazi Scoop Used a Fake Quote
Tom Scocca · 05/14/13 03:17PM
Remember last week, when ABC News caught the Obama administration red-handed, manipulating its talking points about last year's fatal attack in Benghazi? In that account of the editing chain, ABC's Jonathan Karl reported that one email had specifically asked for the State Department to be protected. According to the orthodox theory of Benghazi-as-Watergate, this demonstrated that the White House was more interested in spinning things to protect the Obama 2012/Hillary 2016 presidential campaigns than it was in presenting the truth.
NBC Reportedly Axed Tweet of Support to Very Ill Robin Roberts for Fear of 'Aiding the Enemy'
Cord Jefferson · 03/25/13 03:20PM
New York magazine's lengthy dissection of the ultimate first-world problem that is morning-news drama is a good read, if you're into media navelgazing. Covering Matt Lauer's role as the villain in Ann Curry's unsentimental firing from the Today Show, and the Today Show's subsequent fall from grace, the piece contains a lot of interesting information that helps shed darkness on the sometimes frustratingly bouncy world of morning news programs.
John Boehner 'Can't Imagine' Ever Supporting Gay Marriage
Mallory Ortberg · 03/17/13 02:30PMRich Juzwiak · 02/28/13 04:00PM
Ohio Man Sees Jesus in Bird Droppings on Car Windshield
Mallory Ortberg · 02/24/13 02:00PMABC to Air Disturbing New Footage of Fort Hood Massacre, Interviews with 'Betrayed' Survivors
Robert Kessler · 02/12/13 01:12PM
On tonight's World News with Diane Sawyer, ABC will air several interviews with victims of the 2009 Fort Hood massacre, as well as graphic video showing the chaos in the immediate aftermath of the shooting. The video is incredibly disturbing, and shows bodies of the dead and injured scattered across the floor, pools of blood everywhere. What the victims have to say is equally impactful.
Robert Kessler · 02/07/13 10:55AM
Manti Te'o Tells Katie Couric He Is Double Plus Ungay
Robert Kessler · 01/24/13 04:17PMKatie Couric's long-awaited, and equally as teased, interview with Manti Te'o aired this afternoon. Couric was not shy about addressing one of the most popular hypotheses about Te'o: "One of the theories, many theories, Manti, making the rounds is somehow you created this whole scenario to cover up your sexual orientation," Katie Couric begins. "Are you gay?"
'I Wasn't as Forthcoming as I Should Have Been': A First Look at Katie Couric's Manti Te'o Interview
Robert Kessler · 01/23/13 01:55PMJimmy Kimmel Skewers Los Angeles' Reaction to 'Arctic Blast'
Robert Kessler · 01/16/13 11:45AMRobin Roberts Announces Her Return to Good Morning America a Matter of 'Weeks, Not Months'
Robert Kessler · 01/14/13 11:02AMMariah Carey Throws a Drag-Queen-Sized Amount of Shade at Nicki Minaj
Rich Juzwiak · 01/08/13 10:00AMCome next week, we'll get to see with our own eyes if the pop-culture feud of 2012 is as fake as it seems when American Idol begins its 12th season featuring Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj on its judging panel. But until then, we'll just have to take their word for it. Nicki has already weighed in, and Mariah got an extended chance to do so last night on Nightline when she sat down with the always daffy Barbara Walters.