Drinking for New Orleans

Yes, yes. We know it's barely 11 in the morning. But we believe it's never too early to start making drinks plans, and, conveniently, the list of New York bars participating in Monday's Save New Orleans Cocktail Hour has been released.
You'll find us, we suppose, at Puffy's. Although Employees Only does have that nice backyard. Either way — and even if you inexplicably decide to go for, say, one of the bars in the thoroughly touristic Mariott Marquis — we can't think of a better excuse to throw a few back.
Really, this should be the accepted route for all fundraisers. It's so much more pleasant than just donating some money.
Save New Orleans Cocktail Hour [MuseumoftheAmericanCocktail.org]
Earlier: Finally, a Kind of Tragedy We Can Understand