Troubled Water: What I Learned Teaching Hurricane Katrina in the Classroom
Crystal Hayes · 08/29/15 01:55PMTen Years On: George W. Bush's Hair
Alex Pareene · 08/28/15 05:00PMGeorge W. Bush Knows New Orleans Is a Great Place to Dance
Jay Hathaway · 08/28/15 03:03PMA Hard Life Is Better Than No Life at All: New Orleans 10 Years After Hurricane Katrina
Patrick Melon · 08/25/15 10:33AMChicago Tribune Op-Ed Writer Envious Hurricane Katrina Didn't Hit Chicago Instead
Gabrielle Bluestone · 08/14/15 01:18PM
This month marks the ten-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, the storm that ravaged New Orleans leaving 1,833 of its citizens dead. There are a lot of reasonable emotions to feel in response to this particular tragedy—sadness, grief, and anger, to name a few. How about envy? Sure, I guess—so says one brave Chicago Tribune op-ed writer who isn’t afraid to present herself as a potential sociopath in her quest to expose Chicago’s inadequacies.
Is the Buggy Obamacare Website as Bad as Hurricane Katrina?
J.K. Trotter · 10/15/13 11:27AM, the website where Americans are supposed to sign up for healthcare exchanges created under the 2010 Affordable Care Act, is buggy as fuck. The exchanges don’t officially take effect until early 2014, but in the meantime signing up for one is somewhere between difficult and impossible.
Watch a CNN Reporter Compare the Disabled Carnival Cruise Ship to Hurricane Katrina
Taylor Berman · 02/15/13 12:24AMAs you're all probably well aware, the shit-covered Carnival cruise ship finally arrived in Mobile, Alabama earlier tonight. CNN dropped all other news to cover the event as though it were some sort of national disaster, which it clearly isn't. Only don't tell that to CNN's Martin Savidge, who during an interview with passenger Rob Kenny, compared conditions aboard the ship to life in New Orleans immediately after Hurricane Katrina. You know, the storm that killed thousands and nearly destroyed a major U.S. city. Thankfully, Kenny put Savidge in his place, telling him: "Well, let's put that in perspective. Katrina was a major a devastation. We're out on a freaking cruise ship, and just out here having a good time...those are two different things."
Census Data Shows Much Smaller New Orleans Post-Katrina
Max Read · 02/04/11 02:40AMThree Cops Convicted, Two Cleared in Hurricane Katrina Case
Max Read · 12/10/10 02:15AMThis Abandoned New Orleans Six Flags Is Exactly As Creepy As You'd Expect
Max Read · 11/11/10 12:38AMGeorge W. Bush on Kanye West: "Disgusting"
Matt Cherette · 11/08/10 09:00PMTonight, NBC aired Decision Points, its interview of former President George W. Bush by Matt Lauer. When the topic of Hurricane Katrina—specifically, Kanye West's "George Bush doesn't care about black people!" outburst—came up, Bush got angry. Really angry.