Short Ends: Odds In Favor Of A Julie Cooper-Captain Oats Union

· Oddjack sets the over-under for the upcoming season of The OC: "Number of substances Marissa abuses, season— 3.5/Number of men, boys, farm animals, Girl Scouts, etc Julie Cooper-Nichol bangs —3.5"
· We hope to God you're not getting all of your news here, but in case you didn't hear, the Governator is rejecting the gay marriage bill "out of respect for the will of the people." But how would he react if there's a public groundswell to invalidate the unions of Austrian movie stars and Skeletors?
· If celebrities realized that an end to animal testing might mean "No more Botox. No more boobs. No more anything," would they be so quick to jump on the PeTA bandwagon? Without those things, Pamela Anderson would probably just be a loose pile of flesh draped over some stripper heels by now.
· "Promises, in like a [bleeping] Hollywood camp resort for wealthy [bleeping] lunatics,” Ozzy Osbourne rates the rehab clinics. [second item]
· Bill and The Donald: Yet another showbiz marriage that won't last forever.