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As the political primaries loom over our horizon and you all feign interest, Manhattan borough presidential candidate Brian Ellner has hit the pavement running. As if his commercial in which he briefly, lamely introduces his boyfriend for the sake of selling the poor sap out didn't convince you of Ellner's gay cred, a reader writes in with a report of his targeted campaigning:

The street team for that hot gay politician Brian Ellner (he might've been there too, they were all cute and I couldn't tell) came into Better Burger last night, and talked to every friend of Dorothy (oh yeah, I said it) in the room — ignoring the one and only table of girls in the restaurant. The girls may have gotten a flier or something, but they certainly didn't get the chit-chatty love like the rest of the boys.

Dear God: Doesn't this guy know he needs to reach out to his hags?

Earlier: Brian Ellner Ad Breaks Ground, Our Heart