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• After backing out of a Wenner Media luncheon when she learned that big Jann Wenner wouldn't be attending, chemically-aided waif Nicole Richie was appeased by a private meeting in Jann's office and a ritual lunching with Us Weekly editor Janice Min. See, celebrity weeklies are nice: They're feeding our starlets! [Page Six]
• Victims of Hurricane Katrina have been receiving debit cards from the Red Cross in order to purchase the essentials during these rough times. For some, these essentials can be found at the Louis Vuitton store in Atlanta, where at least two of the cards have been used to purchase luxury goods. [Gatecrasher]
• Jude Law's maligned on-and-off fiancée Sienna Miller may or may not be pregnant with the actor's baby. No one really has a clue, but that's no reason to refrain from rampant speculation. [R&M]
• Frank Bruni turns his iPod up to Red Alert levels, as Tribeca's Bouley Bakery and Market is having staffing issues just days before the Times foodie is scheduled to visit. [Page Six]
• Lloyd Grove sides with Sean Penn's wife Robin Wright Penn, who wants us all to go fuck ourselves for mocking her hubby. [Lowdown]
• Cream puffs bid on the eBay auction of Matt Damon's half-eaten créme puff. [Scoop]