Media Bubble: It's Hard to Be a Murdoch

• Steve Fishman reconstructs and deconstructs the entire relationship between Lachlan Murdoch and Rupert, determining that Lach left because dad wouldn't let him be his own man. [NY Mag]
• Anderson Cooper, meanwhile, remains inscrutable — about his job, about his sex life, about where to have lunch — while everyone just keeps loving him more. [NY Mag]
• Everyone, that is, except Franklin Foer, who finds him "a Yale-educated Geraldo Rivera." [TNR]
• Celebrity Living, which apparently wasn't really a gossip mag before, now is. [WWD]
• Enjoying the VMAs with celebs' favorite celeb photographer. [Slate]
• The new business mag for Conde could be what InStyle was for Time Inc., says David Carr. [NYT]
• OK America!'s editor eats at the Olive Garden. Gasp. [The Observer (London)]