
WWD Gossip Re-Emerges As Jeopardy! Contestant

Hamilton Nolan · 09/09/08 11:24AM

Greg Lindsay comes across as an uptight guy. But that doesn't stop him from appearing on television again and again. Indeed, he's the poster boy for go-getters who try on every form of media until they find one that fits best. The former WWD gossip columnist and author of a book about sleeping in airports landed a "memorable" appearance on Martha Stewart's TV show earlier this year. And last night, he was a contestant on Jeopardy! The secret to his publicity, he advised a youngster long ago, is to remember "it's all about the brand called you." And how! Click to watch the clip of Lindsay's, um, uphill battle. And we'll let former Deadspinner Will Leitch finish the story of watching the show with Greg himself:

Conrad Black Even Swears Like Nixon

abalk2 · 05/21/07 09:20AM
  • In an interview with the Guardian, Conrad Black calls his fraud trial "bullshit" and announces that he's at war with the U.S. government. The paper also has an excerpt from Black's forthcoming biography of Richard Nixon, which praises the former president's "surpassing dignity." Read into that what you will. [Guardian]

Will You Buy Tunes From Amazon?

abalk2 · 05/17/07 08:54AM
  • Amazon to open digital music store that will only sell DRM-free music—so copy away, as often as you like! Our heroes! Suck it, iTunes. [LAT]

Is Ron Burkle Playing Supermarket Sweep?

abalk2 · 05/16/07 08:55AM
  • Will Ron Burkle make a play for AMI? Will he bid on Dennis Publishing? And would he merge his recently-acquired Primedia Enthusiast titles with those companies, particularly for AMI's distribution arm? And will he admit to (allegedly!) owning Radar? [WWD]

Ron Burkle Into Rough Trade Mags

abalk2 · 05/15/07 09:15AM
  • Ron Burkle buys the Primedia Enthusiast Group (Hot Rod, Practical Horseman, Motorcycle Cruiser, Dressage Today, Lowrider Arte) for a staggering $1.18 billion. [NYP]

Matt Drudge Was Poked By Mitt Romney

Choire · 05/14/07 08:54AM
  • We are all tools of the 2008 campaigns' opposition research punks. (Yay! Gawker will so do your laundry, bring it on!) Also, Matt Drudge Hearts Mitt Romney. (Mini-Mitt Guide: Likes abortions, loves death penalties, no longer supports the gay marriages.) [Salon]

Ari Emanuel And Chris Albrecht Are Now Friends.

Choire · 05/11/07 08:49AM
  • Google will only buy your company if it hosts "user-generated" content—so newspapers are out, as Google could only buy their "tool-generated content" (we made that phrase up! Oh har!) and then only "own" it. Funny company plan, to only buy amateurism and ephemera. [Reuters]

The Big Con

abalk2 · 05/09/07 08:55AM
  • Conrad Black's second-in-command turned star government witness serves up Lord Black on a platter. [WSJ]

$2 Mil Journo Libel Verdict Upheld

abalk2 · 05/08/07 08:52AM
  • Supreme Judicial Court in Mass. upholds $2 mil guilty verdict against Boston Herald and its reporter David Wedge in lawsuit brought by judge. [NYT]

The $40 Million Question: Define "Nappy"

abalk2 · 05/03/07 08:56AM
  • Don Imus' contract with CBS said: "Services to be rendered are of a unique, extraordinary, irreverent, intellectual, topical, controversial, and personal character." Legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin thinks that makes Imus's $40 million lawsuit against CBS a bit more plausible. [CNN]

Lindsay Lohan Live On 'Radar'

abalk2 · 05/02/07 09:40AM
  • Post calls out News' circulation figures: The "paper's overreliance on bulk sales is propping up a single-copy sales disaster." Expect some lame News response involving the phrase "New York area" tomorrow. [NYP]

The Circulation Game

abalk2 · 05/01/07 08:40AM
  • Newspaper circulation falls pretty much everywhere. Here on the home front, though, both the Post and the News saw increases. Other (slight) success stories: USA Today and the Wall Street Journal. [WSJ]

Guns & Blammo

abalk2 · 04/30/07 09:00AM
  • Garden & Gun has less than auspicious debut, arriving as it did just a few days before decidedly unpicturesque massive gun violence at Virginia Tech. [NYT]