Wearing Your Heart on Your Wrist

A reader searching for cheap but chic airfares somehow ended up reading about the latest in the rubber-bracelets-for-charity trend: the purple-and-green KARE bracelet for Katrina relief. While we have no reason to suspect said reader is opposed to Katrina relief — we're certainly not, before you send those angry emails — she is displeased with this charity drive.
Call me jaded, but the rubber bracelet was cool for about 15 minutes when no one knew what it stood for (referring to the original yellow Lance Armstrong model), but they have now passed out of "cool" and have become "tool". This is overkill of the most egregious kind. Yuck. Why can't people be normal and just donate $20 bucks to the Red Cross and be done with it?
Why, indeed? We know we're being particularly bitchy this afternoon — sorry; it's been a long, tough day (for reasons unrelated to Gawking), and we're in a particularly foul mood — but we've long been saying that, whatever his other accomplishments, we'll never forgive Armstrong for releasing this pox upon all our houses. Don't give in! Fight it! Just give the money and be done with it!
Because she's right: Rubber charity bracelets are totally tool.