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· Steve Carell's agents make sure they book up every free minute of his next three years before his 40 Year-Old Virgin heat dissipates, sign him up for the Disney romantic comedy Dan in Real Life. (Plot unimportant.). [Variety]
· In perhaps one of the most liberal contractual definitions of "talent" to date, the WB signs a talent holding deal with Nick Lachey . [THR]
· Robert Wise, Academy Award winning director of The Sound of Music and West Side Story died of heart failure yesterday at 91. Pray that his soul was not captured inside Britney's baby after it shuffled off its mortal coil. [Variety]
· Disney's underperforming film business could flush up to $300 million down the fiscal crapper this quarter after a horrible summer. We blame Lindsay Lohan's missed days of shooting on Herbie: Fully Loaded for at least half of the loss. [Variety]
· Fox's Head Cases premiere bombs even in comparison to lead-in So You Think You Can Dance's weak numbers. Chris O'Donnell should be taking your drink order shortly. [THR]