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More than one young woman has forwarded us versions of this email today, all of them prompted by the mention of "" to dig through their inboxes for old replies to Craigslist ads. And several of them report they weren't even looking for sex. Here's the standard reply from Ps41alum, known better known as Us Weekly's Timothy McDarrah:

After reading your posting, my first thought is, Together we could take on the world. We may lose; however, we'd likely have a good time trying.

I am sort of a journalist. I write paragraphs about Paris Hilton for a living.

I may be too old for you (a delightfully immature 42) but maybe you are sick of boys your own age and want a (somewhat) more grown up guy. Or not. I am looking for someone like myself- a marginally sane person, somewhat articulate and engaging to speak with, not repulsive to look at, a vocabulary that has multi-syllabic words and an IQ over room temperature.

I am half-Jewish and half Irish. So I get drunk sometimes but ALWAYS feel very guilty about it. I live below 14th St., and work in Rock Center.

Pictures. Doesn't anyone take the time to get to know people anymore? is it all about the shopping list? tall +5, bites his cuticles -3, six-figure income +20, ugly feet -15, the list goes on and on.


Notes one of the forwarders: "Turns out if I had just put out back in March, we could have had something going, and now he wouldn't be in jail! (After all, I am legal. And not a cop.)"

True. But, on the other hand, he now wouldn't be in jail.

Federal Complaint Against 'Us Weekly' Staffer Timothy McDarrah
'Us Weekly' Staffer Timothy McDarrah Arrested