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• So what's up with that island being tugged around the island? Public art, of course. Isn't it all. [Towleroad]
• Yes, we know it's Talk Like a Pirate Day. No, we will not honor the occasion by writing in the appropriate dialect. [TLP]
• The gayest gay loft to ever gay its way onto Craigslist. [Craigslist]
• The Meatpacking District's Hotel Gansevoort spreads its obnoxious seed to the West. [HotelChatter]
• Evidently, someone still gives a shit about model Tyra Banks' breasts. [Contact Music]
• Finally, someone more pissy than us. [NR]
• Tara Reid's binge-drinking tour de force, Taradise, isn't quite as dead as we thought. It is, however, barely twitching. [B&C]
• Can Gwyneth Paltrow effectively play a math geek? And does anyone care besides math geeks? [IHE]
• We didn't watch the Emmys, and we're better people for it. [Defamer]