Gossip Roundup: Tom Cruise Loses Steven Spielberg's Love

• Director Steven Spielberg might be ending his love affair with Tom Cruise because of the actor's sojurn into Crazytown. Specifically, Spielberg uses Ritalin to dope up his kids, which Cruise finds "glib." [Page Six]
• Meanwhile, new mom Britney Spears sides with Brooke Shields, takes on Cruise's ire in her battle against postpartum depression. [Scoop]
• Sadly, the most creative name anyone can come up with for model Tyra Banks and her well-notched bedpost is "Hollywood Hop." [R&M]
• When a pregnant employee speaks less than glowingly of Brad Pitt, the actor brings out his remarkably handsome pink slips. [Page Six]
• In his fight with the New York Times, which he feels portrayed him inaccurately, National Puerto Rican Coalition gets behind Fox News' Geraldo Rivera. The Gray Lady better watch out now, 'cause we hear they can throw a mean parade. [Lowdown (2nd to last)]