
Fox News Host Claims Network Ignored Her Sexual Harassment Complaints Against Roger Ailes

J.K. Trotter · 08/08/16 04:11PM

The sexual harassment allegations against former Fox News CEO Roger Ailes—the number of which seems to grow every day—have raised serious questions about whether Fox officials were aware of Ailes’ behavior toward female employees. The network has denied any knowledge among higher-ups. But according to Gabriel Sherman of New York magazine, at least three executives knew that Fox News host Andrea Tantaros had complained about Ailes’ sexually-charged comments toward her:

Report: Roger Ailes Used Fox News Money to Spy on Gawker Staffers

J.K. Trotter · 08/07/16 11:00AM

How devious is former Fox News CEO Roger Ailes? Following his July resignation, amid an internal inquiry into his serial sexual harassment (and worse) of female employees, a clearer picture of the infamously vindictive Nixon aide’s tactics has begun to emerge. For instance, according to a report this morning from Gabriel Sherman of New York magazine, he used Fox News resources to secretly spy on reporters critical of him and his network—including two employees of Gawker Media:

Small Town Newspaper Owned by Roger Ailes’ Wife Goes to Bat for Roger Ailes

J.K. Trotter · 08/04/16 11:45AM

Roger Ailes, who resigned as CEO of Fox News after a barrage of sexual harassment allegations from female subordinates, is married to Elizabeth Ailes, the owner and publisher of the Putnam County News & Recorder, a broadsheet newspaper in Philipstown, New York, where the couple maintains a summer home. Ailes’ ownership of the paper has not been without controversy—mostly, but not entirely, of the hometown-scandal variety—but its editors have avoided covering the dramatic downfall of the owner’s famous husband. Until today.

Report: Roger Ailes’ Behavior Went Far Beyond Sexual Harassment at Fox News

J.K. Trotter · 07/29/16 05:39PM

Roger Ailes and Fox News formally parted ways just weeks after former Fox & Friends host Gretchen Carlson filed a sexual harassment against the CEO. Now, according to a report by Gabriel Sherman of New York magazine, at least one former Fox News employee, a booker named Laurie Luhn, experienced not just years of unwanted sexual advances, but apparent psychological manipulation by Ailes, for which he was allegedly given cover by other high-ranking Fox News executives, including Fox’s legal counsel, Dianne Brandi; the channel’s former Washington bureau chief, Kim Hume; and Ailes’ former deputy, Bill Shine. We encourage you to read about Luhn’s harrowing tale in full, but among the details that stand out are:

Gawker Is Filing to Unseal the $10 Million Lawsuit Bill O’Reilly Wants to Keep Secret

J.K. Trotter · 07/29/16 10:10AM

You may have heard that Bill O’Reilly is suing his ex-wife, Maureen McPhilmy, for upwards of $10 million over vague claims that she somehow defrauded him in their divorce agreement in order to fund an “existing extra-marital relationship.” What you probably haven’t heard is that a New York judge recently granted the 66-year-old Fox News host’s demand to place the entire case under seal—effectively preventing the public from evaluating the merits of a civil lawsuit filed by a public figure against a private citizen. This week, Gawker Media petitioned the court to vacate that ruling and open up the proceedings.

Bill O'Reilly: Actually, the Slaves Who Built the White House Had It Pretty Good

Hudson Hongo · 07/26/16 09:40PM

On Tuesday, conservative commentators sprang into actually to “fact check” Michelle Obama’s remark about the White House being built with slave labor, successfully missing the point of her story to note that, hey, lots of non-slaves worked on it too. Bill O’Reilly went one further, however, weirdly stating that the slaves that did work on the White House were “well-fed” with “decent lodgings.”

Is Roger Ailes Going to Run Donald Trump's Presidential Campaign?

Brendan O'Connor · 07/25/16 10:01AM

In what would certainly be one of the unholier unions of our time, rumors have begun to emerge that Roger Ailes, the former chairman and CEO of Fox News, might go work for Donald Trump, the Republican presidential candidate. “A lot of people are thinking he’s going to run my campaign,” Trump told NBC’s Chuck Todd on Sunday, confirming that the rumors exist but speaking no further to their veracity.

Bye, Roger: The Best Times Roger Ailes Was The Worst

J.K. Trotter · 07/21/16 05:50PM

Roger Ailes, the founder and CEO of Fox News, is resigning from the network after several female employees, current and former, alleged that Ailes had sexually harassed them. To bid him adieu, we’ve collected the best of Gawker’s coverage of the times Ailes—and the company he ran until today—were the worst. Enjoy?

Is Roger Ailes Leaving Fox News Or Not?

J.K. Trotter · 07/19/16 05:15PM

Fox News CEO Roger Ailes, who is currently facing numerous accusations of sexual harassment by a growing number of current and former employees, is reportedly—reportedly!—departing the channel, which he founded in October 1996 and has helmed for the past 19 years. This morning, Gabriel Sherman of New York magazine reported that Fox News’ star anchor, Megyn Kelly, had told investigators hired by 21st Century Fox that her boss had sexually harassed her approximately ten years ago, when she still worked at Fox. In the same piece, Sherman claimed that attorneys for 21st Century Fox had given Ailes an ultimatum: “Resign or face being fired for cause” by August 1 of this year.

Bret Baier on Roger Ailes Ouster Report: "Ugh"

Alex Pareene · 07/19/16 03:54PM

CLEVELAND — Earlier this afternoon, Ashley and I stumbled upon Fox News’s Bret Baier and Chris Wallace livestreaming a discussion from a Facebook booth adjacent to the convention center, where most of the campaign press work when not in the arena.

Report: Murdoch Family Plans to Remove Fox News CEO Roger Ailes After Sexual Harassment Suit

J.K. Trotter · 07/18/16 12:55PM

News Corp CEO Rupert Murdoch and his two large adult sons, James and Lachlan, have decided that Roger Ailes must be dethroned from their company’s most consistent cash cow. Almost exactly one week after former Fox News host Gretchen Carlson hit CEO Roger Ailes with a sexual harassment lawsuit, Gabriel Sherman of New York magazine reports that the Murdochs arrived at their decision after “reviewing the initial findings of the [internal] probe” into Carlson’s allegations:

J.K. Trotter · 07/06/16 04:44PM

Small update on Gretchen Carlson’s sexual harassment lawsuit against Fox News CEO Roger Ailes, via CNN: “In the hours since the lawsuit was announced, ‘at least ten’ other women have contacted [Carlson’s attorneys], wanting to speak about Ailes’ treatment, according to a spokesman for the firm.”

Former Fox & Friends Host Gretchen Carlson Files Sex Harassment Complaint Against Fox News CEO Roger Ailes

J.K. Trotter · 07/06/16 12:00PM

Gretchen Carlson, the former co-host of Fox News’ morning variety hour Fox & Friends, has filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against the network’s founder and powerful CEO, Roger Ailes. In it, Carlson’s attorneys allege that Ailes repeatedly made sexual advances on Carlson, and retaliated against her when she rebuffed them, culminating in her firing on June 23 of this year.