You're Nobody 'Til Somebody Ganks You
Media business-y blog Paid Content writes:
The Wall Street Journal is at it again: stealing our story. The Viacom-iFilm deal, a story we broke on Monday night, has been picked up by the Wall Street Journal, without any credit. This is the second time in the last two months such a thing has happened.
Shame on you, Paul Steiger, Gordon Crovitz and Bill Grueskin (and whoever edits the media section, and writes these stories)...teach yourself and your journalists some ethics on crediting. Your reporter was not up till 2 AM in the night confirming and writing this...I was.
Oh, but that reporter was up until 2 AM trolling the blogs and finding the perfect item for "inspiration." Besides, you've not really made it until a paper mercilessly steals your shit.