Nonopinions From the Nonbudsman

From its inception, we've mocked CBS News's non-opinionated, non-bloggy, non-ombudsman new ombudsman blog. But maybe we were too harsh on the Public Eye crew, joking that they'd be unveiling the behind-the-scenes workings of the CBS News programs no one watches in the first place. It turns out that they'll take a look at major media issues occurring in other outlets, too, and yesterday they weighed in on the raging did-Geraldo-nudge-someone? debate at the Times.
Good thing they did, because after all that's been written about the controversy — in the Washington Post, in the Los Angeles Times, by the Times's own public editor, even here on Gawker — everyone's been waiting for an impartial observer trained in the ombudsmanic arts — someone like, say, Public Eye — to give us a definitive opinion on the matter. So what do the CBSers think?
I think it's safe to say that Geraldo Rivera is one of the more controversial journalists of his generation. It's also safe to say that the New York Times' reaction to his demand is one of the reasons an ombudsman was created at the paper — and the reason one is still needed. And it's a good example of why all news organizations benefit from someone or something to bark inside the house.
It's a special crew that has the cojones to stake out the difficult position that Geraldo is controversial and ombudsmen are good. Good work, Public Eye.
Calame Looks Into Corrections Vault and Finds It Empty [Public Eye/CBS]
Earlier: Geraldo Threatens to Sue 'Times'