NYC Emergency Management Potentially More Polarizing Than Actual Emergencies

Prompted by the disaster in New Orleans and the current hurricane-a-week weather pattern, NYC Office of Emergency Management is gently reminding us all to always be prepared:
The city recommends having $50 to $100 on hand, in small bills, as well as a credit or ATM card. Ask your bank about a no-fee credit card so you don't pay for a card you're not using, but activate it as soon as you get it - it will come with a sticker attached that has a number to call to activate the card - to be sure it's ready to use in an emergency. Getting a duplicate of your ATM card could inactivate your current card; ask the bank for advice. If you have a savings account, ask if you can get a no-fee ATM card for that account, and leave that in your go bag.
So, basically, you should have lots of money, paper and otherwise. Doesn't this exclude a hefty chunk of the population? We know plenty of people without credit cards, for instance — how are these individuals to adequately prepare for a disaster?
The cost of food supplies for the go bag and at-home kit could mount up. If the total seems beyond your means, consider asking for assistance at churches and food pantries, especially for bottles of water.
Ah, okay. Either be flush with cash, or get thee to a soup kitchen. Bloomberg couldn't have said it better himself.