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We went looking for the promised Judy Miller-penned report about how she was sent to prison to break her brother out, or whatever the story will be once the lawyers vet it, but we very, very quickly got distracted. As did, if the most emailed list is any indication, everyone else.

"[T]here are only two kinds of male cyclists - those who are impotent and those who will be impotent."
"A guy can sit on a saddle and have his penis oxygen levels drop 100 percent but he doesn't know it," Mr. Cohen said. "After half an hour he goes numb."
"We make kids wear helmets and knee pads," Dr. Goldstein said. "But no one thinks about protecting the crotch."

The New York Times: Protecting sources, crotches.

Serious Riders, Your Bicycle Seat May Affect Your Love Life [NYT]