
Hopefully the Deer Survived This 30-MPH Crash With Helmet-Cam Cyclist

Andy Cush · 12/17/14 04:45PM

Cyclist Silas Patlove, who documented the 30-MPH crash above via helmet cam, wrote on YouTube that he survived the ordeal with only "a mild concussion with a bit of memory loss around the event." If only the same could be said of the other guy.

The NYPD Is Stealing Bikes in Midtown

Andy Cush · 09/18/14 03:47PM

If your lock gets cut and your bike disappears in midtown Manhattan, you should call the cops. Not because you need to report the crime—because there's a good chance the cops stole the bike themselves.

Helmet-Cam Video Shows How Much It Sucks to Get Doored on Your Bike

Andy Cush · 09/12/14 11:06AM

Getting doored—that is, having a driver or passenger open a car's door into you as you ride by—is a constant, looming threat for urban cyclists. The point-of-view video above, shot near New York City's Union Square, shows exactly what it's like when it happens, but the real drama comes after the crash.

Hero Cyclist Somehow Lands on His Feet After High-Flying Car Collision

Andy Cush · 07/23/14 01:30PM

The cyclist in the video above was riding through a London suburb "to gain some fitness," he writes on YouTube, when a car going the opposite direction suddenly turned right into the bike lane. The head-on collision that ensued is the stuff of bike-riding nightmares.

'Ninja' Confronts Bike Thief, Gets Him to Repent

Neetzan Zimmerman · 09/23/13 02:01PM

While strolling through Manhattan's Upper West Side one warm summer's day, a concerned New Yorker spotted a bike thief casually removing the front tire off a delivery bike that belonged to a local Lenny's location, and then just as casually walking away.

Tycoon's Pet Newspaper Thinks For-Profit Citi Bikes Are Socialism

Max Read · 05/29/13 11:39AM

"Just Buy a Bike!" the editors of the New York Observer encourage their readers today. That is, if you must ride a bike—and the only reason the Observer editors can think of that you might want to is "to feel morally superior"—you should not participate in the Citi Bike bike share program, inaugurated this week.

A Bike Tour Through Blackout Manhattan; Or, How to Get the Corner Booth at The Spotted Pig

Emma Carmichael · 11/01/12 05:52PM

Last night I left my warm, powered apartment in Fort Greene, Brooklyn, and biked over the Brooklyn Bridge into lower Manhattan with two friends. It was the most perverse kind of adjusted New Yorker tourism: leave behind your quaint Brooklyn neighborhood, with unlimited burrata and cold craft beers, to see the blacked-out skyscrapers of Wall Street in the dark. But we were getting antsy-my muscles may be atrophying by now, I think-and we wanted to see it for ourselves.