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• Michael Isikoff finds "the Times' conduct at this point inexplicable." He also reveals in Newsweek that Judy's super-secret magically discovered June notes were "discovered in the [Times'] Washington bureau," rendering a little suspect the paper's former claims that it didn't have any of Ms. Miller's notes.
Syd Schanberg points out a brilliant exchange from Judy's Barbara Walters interview:

Later, Walters, in an awe-filled voice, said: "You were in jail longer than any other journalist." Miller quickly corrected her, "Twice as long as any other journalist."

Greg Mitchell has a buncha questions for Miller and the Times, like why haven't any of those mighty arbiters of political discourse in the Op-Ed section offered any opinions whatsoever on the case?
• If all this criticism actually has you feeling a little bad for Judy, here's a golden opportunity to tell her in person how much respect for have for her, and how much you want to punch that jerk Fitzgerald. The Media Law Resource Center invites you to crash:

MLRC Annual Dinner
Wednesday, November 9, 2005
Cocktail Reception at 6:00 pm
Dinner at 7:30 pm
Sheraton New York Hotel and Towers
811 7th Avenue on 53rd Street, New York City

A discussion on the reporters privilege with: Matt Cooper, Judith Miller, James Taricani and Congressman Mike Pence; moderated by Diane Sawyer.

For a woman notorious for a refusal to speak, it's looking like she'll spend the next year not shutting up.