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Mayor Bloomberg has, according to the Post, hired Brian Ellner, failed candidate for Manhattan borough president, as his reelection campaign's token homosexual. You remember Brian, right? His campaign revolved around a) not being George Bush, and b) being, instead, the gayest gay in gaytown. And he created the only memorable commercial of the campaign: "I'm Brian Ellner and this is my partner, Simon," he says, as he pulls Simon into the frame long enough to hammer home that whole gay thing, but not long enough for Simon to, you know, say anything. And as liaison to the gay community for Mayor Bloomberg, Ellner himself can now expect similar treatment.

Ferrer, not wanting to be left out of the gaysploitation, threw a coke party in Chelsea last night, where his supporters did their darnedest to make those homos care about something other than sodomy and personal grooming products:

"I appreciate the fact that he's elegant and he's polite and has very good manners all things that gay men like but when they read that he gave over $200,000 to Tom DeLay to help elect Republicans, that's an affront," Lynn added.

C'mon guys — if this is a battle is to see who can fit the most sweeping generalizations into one pandering outreach effort, you're gonna have to do better than that. Bloomberg's a natty dresser, sure, but Ferrer has the mustache.

New Bloomberg Aide Will Woo Gay Voters [NYP]
Brian Ellner Breaks Ground, Our Heart