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· Hillary Clinton's swinging through Hollywood again for a series of fundraisers aimed at raising money for her "Senate re-election campaign," not her inevitable run (fingers crossed for a Clinton-Affleck ticket!) for President in 2008. [Variety]
· Jennifer Connelly is close to joining another feature project, but we don't even care what it is. We'd pay to watch her picking out orthopedic insoles at Rite Aid. Ugh, does that sound like some kind of weird fetish? Because it's totally not. If we wanted to go with the fetish angle, we would've said something about her wearing a bikini and sitting on balloons until they pop. [THR]
· Paramount will go halfsies on the movie adaptation of the musical Dreamgirls with DreamWorks, the " thinly veiled telling of the rise of Diana Ross and the Supremes." The stunt-driver budget alone is expected to be astronomical, so it's good the studios are splitting the financial burden. [Variety]
· Fox picks up full season orders of both The War at Home and Bones, allowing us to continue our unhealthy obsession with Bones' resident squint Emily Deschanel. My, aren't we stalkerish today? OK, we're done now. [THR]
· WGA Report: Honkies with penises still hogging all the writing jobs. [Variety]