Gossip Roundup: Kate Moss Due for Comeback

• Since the world was visually introduced to the coke-fuelled antics of supermodel Kate Moss, she's lost contracts with Burberry, H&M, and Chanel. Now, as it's been roughly a month since the initial story broke, it's time for her comeback: First the cover of W, then love from Yves St. Laurent. Alas, we doubt Vogue will ever forgive her. Those bitches know how to hold a grudge. [Page Six]
• The lobbyists at the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America hired writers to create a thriller-style novel designed to scare the crap out of anyone looking to score their prescriptions from Canada. When the deal fell through, the lobbyists attempted to buy the silence of involved writers and publishers for a pithy $100,000. If Lloyd Grove got the story, clearly the money wasn't good enough. [Lowdown]
• America's first completely cracked-out supermodel Janice Dickinson will fuck you — yes, you!! — for a Xanax. [Page Six]
• If you don't receive the self-promoting mass emails from Cory Bernstein (AKA "Cory the Model"), consider yourself a better person. Otherwise, you'd likely give a shit about the leaked tapes of his marathon masturbation. [R&M (2nd item)]
• Matt Lauer's recent vacation from the Today show was reportedly a Eurotrash getaway with his wife, Annette Roque. No better way to celebrate your reconciliation than at Paris's Sexodrome or on the streets of Amsterdam. [Gatecrasher (2nd to last)]