Reader Expressions of Sympathy: Thanks, but We'd Prefer a Fruit Basket

Yes, yes, yes; we know.
From: [a concerned reader]
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2005 5:51 PM
Subject: I can see the headlines now . . .
" down for most of Monday afternoon. Workplace productivity SURGES!"
I would curse your IT support team / host provider, but I'm in IT, and must therefore empathize with them and instead shake my fist at the universe collectively.
You and us both, reader. But you should know this: Apparently it's not a server problem. It's a firewall problem. We think that's pretty potato/potahto, but our boss keeps reminding us of the distinction, as though it's somehow significant and will make us feel better.
Let us know if you figure out how that's supposed to make any of us feel better.