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Never having had a reason to visit, we had no idea that the crown jewel of Les Moonves' growing empire of pain had embraced the blog format, and in the process, sowed the seeds of the online medium's inevitable destruction:

Nancy Tellem, president of CBS Paramount Network Television Entertainment Group, said the blogs are a bonus for the network's viewers that reward their loyalty and interest. "Blogs are a great way to bring the millions of viewers who enjoy our programming into the creative process," she said.

Each show's blog is designed to reflect and extend the tone of the program. For example, the writers of freshman comedy "How I Met Your Mother" are creating Barney's Blog, using the voice of the character played by Neil Patrick Harris.

Pity the poor baby writer (or eager writers' assistant desperate for a chance to strut his stuff) trying to channel the voice of How I Met Your Mother's Doogie 2.0. But perhaps an even better illustration of CBS's blog abuse is Ghost Whisperer's online journal, which cries out to be written from the point of view of Jennifer Love Hewitt's spirit-detecting rack. Instead, we get dispatches from medium/charlatan co-executive producer James "Does Your Dead Mother's Name Start With An 'A'? No? How About A 'B'?'" Van Praagh:

Hi, I just got back from doing a round of publicity for Ghost Whisperer and it has been an incredible experience. Everyone loves the show and can't get enough of it. I have had so many people come up to me on the street and at airports telling me how they look forward to the next episode. I think this says a lot about the type of programming this is. I believe it not only entertains, but speaks to the person on a soulful level. Whether you are a believer or not, everyone is curious to know what happens after you die.

We'll venture a guess as to what's going to happen to us after we die: We'll be forced to read a neverending feed of blog posts by sitcom characters and spirit-channeling flim-flam artists, while having our genitals scorched with a red-hot fireplace poker. Sadly, it's not that different than a typical day at Defamer HQ.