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In what we hope (but doubt) will become a recurring feature, Defamer is proud to present Overheard Celebrity Movie Reviews. In this debut installment, budding auteur David Duchovny offers a brief critique of director Cameron Crowe's critically savaged Elizabethtown:

Saw David Duchovny (unfortunately called "Mulder" by the ticket taker) and an older female friend coming out of a Friday matinee of Elizabethtown at the Mann 6 in Santa Monica. His response when prompted by said ticket taker for a reaction to the film: "Really bad." Being a Cameron Crowe fan/apologist there's the urge to make a House of D joke, but I'll resist. Coincidentally, sneak preview passes for Mr. Duchovny's new film Trust the Man were being handed out across the street. Not sure if he grabbed one.

Next time on Overheard Celebrity Movie Reviews: Cameron Diaz finds her own work in In Her Shoes "pretty rad."