Britney Spears Momentarily Conflicted About Selling Baby's Soul To Magazine

Is there a limit to Britney Spears' thirst for celebrity rags' sweet (and lucrative) attention? Page Six examines the new mother's alleged crisis of conscience over selling photos of her adorable widdle moneymaker:
BRITNEY Spears (above) changed her mind about letting the world see her baby. The pop tart posed for studio shots with her new tot, Sean Preston Spears Federline, and hubby Kevin Federline last week in L.A. The pictures by Mark Liddel were supposed to go to People magazine for millions — but the next day, Spears "started freaking out," our insider said. "She started crying that she was selling out her baby and couldn't give up the pictures." A People rep said, "We have not purchased nor paid for any photos of Britney this week."
The freak-outs subsided when Federline, Britney's soulmate and rock, suggested that selling the baby itself to People would net the newlyweds ten times the already astronomical price of the photos. After a tense five minutes of deliberation, the loving couple decided that the child would have a much better chance at a normal life if raised collectively by the magazine's attentive staff, and in the ultimate act of parental sacrifice, tearfully endorsed the check completing the sale of the newly christened Sean Preston Spears Federline People Exclusive to the glossy.