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· Sony pushes All the King's Men to next year's Oscar season, pretending that they'd have to rush the post-production process to make its original December 2005 release date. We always love that excuse. [Variety]
· Hollywood Out of Ideas, Recycling Stephen King Edition: Warner Bros. will remake 1982's Creepshow. Remember all the cockroaches bursting through the guy's chest? Yeah, that probably won't be nearly as scary now that we're not eight years old.
· Paramount decides that it doesn't want to be DreamWorks' dirty little whore and have its heart broken when the studio eventually goes running back to Universal. [Variety]
· ABC follows up Wednesday's full season Commander in Chief order with a back-nine commitment for Invasion, hoping that the alien-attack drama will continue to lure in viewers (like us) too lazy to change the channel after Lost. [THR]
· Did we somehow miss the press release announcing that Mira Sorvino's officially giving up on her movie career? If starring opposite Stephen Dorff in a miniseries isn't a sign of total capitulation, we don't know what is. [Variety]