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The road to legal hell is paved with the best intentions. To wit: On Friday, we posted a very tiny picture and linked to the leaked images of Britney Spears's newborn Federletus, Sean Preston Federline. How could we not? The baby is, we admit, absolutely adorable, and we'll be damned if the pop singer doesn't actually look kind of good.

You can imagine, then, the sort of pain we felt when this weekend brought a cease-and-desist letter from the Federletus's lawyers. Apparently, the images were stolen (not that we ever technically hosted the photo album), and Britney was dealing with post-partum rage. Spears's team accused us of having "malicious intent," which really hurt our feelings — we just wanted to share the precious, cuddly fluff with you all. It's the least malicious thing we've ever done in our bloggy lives.

While we argue with legal on the matter, we must admit: The cease-and-desist letter is, by far, the most thoughtful, multisyllabic composition regarding Spears we've ever read.

Spears Says Web Photos of Baby Are Stolen [AP]