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The long weekend of Judyism ended today not with a whimper but with a bang:

• Pinch Sulzberger is the George W. Bush of the media, points out Kurt Andersen: "Both are the preppy baby-boom sons of distinguished, understated preppy fathers, Punch and Poppy, from whom they inherited their given names and positions of power. Both are big outdoor-exercise buffs, both are insecure but cocky, both have a bratty streak, both are prone to inappropriate jocularity. And each presides from within an insular management bubble." Worst, Sulzberger can't fire the person really responsible for this embarrassment, the guy who decided to support Miller unconditionally and aggressively and without asking any questions about what happened. Because he can't fire himself.

• Miller choses to talk to — of all people — wacky and angry New York Post columnist of the year Andrea Peyser. Says Peyser: "Acting like a street gang performing a mugging, the Times has jumped on Miller — after months of defending her decision to go to jail for protecting the identity of a source." Says Judy: "I did nothing wrong. I'm not ashamed. I'm proud of the decision I made to go to jail."

• E&P's Greg Mitchell wonders: What the hell does it take to get fired from the Times?