Natasha Lyonne, Just in Time for Halloween

We receive the occasional email from readers asking what's become of cracktress Natasha Lyonne, who went from semi-starlet to Michael Rappaport's worst nightmare as his drug-addled tenant. Truth is, we don't know where Natasha is — last we heard, she was detoxing in the hospital and, according to her father, she was very ill. The latest issue of Vice has further insight:
Natasha Lyonne Doll
Natasha's going through a really hard time right now, and we all miss her a lot. Laugh if you want, but sometimes going to the Halloween store is the only way to stop missing her so much.
We're not sure Natasha is in a state so bad as the picture above might imply, but come to think of it, a Natasha Lyonne Halloween costume could be pretty awesome.