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Sometimes it's fun (read: our lives are so very dreary) to place a couple of timely PrivacyWatch sightings next to each other and muse about what they might reveal about their celebrity subjects. Readers spotted two couples from opposite ends of the tabloid speculation spectrum out on Friday night, courting are they/aren't they attention by their very presence:

· Friday (10/21), I was sharing a tall bottle of Hite with my girlfriend and two others at Koreatown's best-kept secret, an English pub-turned-Korean restaurant called the Prince ... when I heard a familiar high-pitched snicker behind me. It was a circular red-leather booth cloaked in darkness and crowded with eight suspiciously white people. Peering more closely, I recognized the ski-sloped nose of wedding crasher Vince Vaughn, and next to him, a confused-looking Jennifer Aniston. They didn't seem too mushy, the group was chatty and relaxed, and they probably weren't expecting anyone even remotely English-speaking to be there. Sorry, o lens-dodging celebrities: There isn't even a cover at the Prince. Find a better hiding place.

· Saw Nick and Jessica at Ago Friday night with omnipresent Cacee Cobb and Drew Lachey. Jessica looking bomb, hot as hell, huuuuge rack, tight body. Nick in his staple uniform of "hip/torn jeans and blue, half-tucked in button down." They looked not SPLIT UP!! as US Magazine has so recently announced, but who knows, Nick sat and had a nice long conversation with Jon Lovitz at the bar while Jessica and Corn 'o Cobb went to the bathroom for like 15 minutes.

In the case of Aniston and Vaughn, could the supposed couple have picked a more conspicuous place to be seen? If they were looking to fit in, they could have patronized any one of the scores of discreet, honky-dominated, celebrity-friendly eateries that litter the westside. At least this time they didn't treat the world to another round of Balcony Photo Op Pantomime Kama Sutra. People were eating, after all.

And as for Nick and Jessica, well, there's probably no one who believes that the union is intact (OK, maybe there's one), no matter how many times they take along their chaperones for a meal. It would've been great if someone had overheard Lachey bitterly asking drinking buddy Jon Lovitz if he'd had a turn with Jessica yet. There's a rumor we'd love to see creepy manager/dad Joe Simpson denying to US Weekly.