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We now introduce a new daily feature on Gawker: Today in Judy. What's the latest with Ms. Miller? Has she been fired yet? Did she quit? Any new details? Today in Judy is your easy way to keep on top of all the swirling Millerian news. (Also, in the future this will be a morning feature. We had computer troubles today, and our whole day has been screwed up. Sigh.)

So let's get started:

Slate yesterday described why it's nearly impossible for a reporter to get fired from the Times. But we suspect that's immaterial: You don't spend over a million dollars in legal fees to defend a reporter, then turn around and fire her. Something more mutual agreeable will be negotiated.

• And negotiations are in the works. They started Monday, according to today's Wall Street Journal, when Miller met with publisher Arthur Sulzberger — who until the weekend been her most vocal supporter — to discuss her future. There was talk of a severance package, the Journal says.

• Certainly the Times newsroom is through with Miller. And, says the Observer, the masthead is unanimous that she should not be allowed to return.

• But, as another NYO piece points out, the real question is: What about Pinch?

• So what happens? Is Miller fired? Does she quit? When? And do to the Sulzbergers turn on their bright-eyed scion? Check back tomorrow, when we'll introduce Gawker's Millerpalooza Sweepstakes. Fun! Excitement! Prizes!