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Yesterday, we linked to this piece on the new editor in charge of the increasingly- less- lovable- losers at the New York Press. And then, some comments started showing up.

Siegel had best check himself concerning my supposed politics, or I'll fly back from Bangkok and kick the fuck out of his precious, intellectual Brooklyn ass. I'm the furthest thing from a Voice lefty; ask anyone who knows me. He'd also be wise to watch his back: David Unger — the ultimate owner of New York Press LLC — is an amoral (and rather fat, and now that I think about it, ugly) scumbag. [...]Best of luck, Harry. I never liked your writing much. -Jeff Koyen, in Bangkok
Posted by: Mr. Koyen at October 26, 2005 04:11 PM

Googling your name, Jeff? Come back here and try it. You know where to find me.
Posted by: Harry at October 26, 2005 04:21 PM
Altogther Koyen's got a surprisingly good uppercut. He trains well but gets tired easily. And he bleeds. Good luck.
Posted by: Scott Stedman at October 26, 2005 04:42 PM

This is just like when Norman Mailer quit the Voice over that comment Nat Hentoff left in his LiveJournal.

Dirty Harry Siegel Takes Over the New York Press [AFF]