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Dear Men's Health forum...

My son is a decent kid, but I started picking up signs that he was gay recently. He is about to turn 17, and I've noticed that he has not had many relationships with girls until now. His first girlfriend he had when he was 15, and now he's been dating a girl for about 5 months. But like many people have pointed out, gays often try to date girls to cover up their homosexuality.

So apart from the inexperience with girls, there are some other clear signs of homosexuality. For example, he likes music and he even plays an instrument in high school. Also, he plays tennis which means he probably likes to watch fit men running around.

What worries me is that he may not even know he's gay yet. I don't want to shock or anger him when I reveal this to him, but that may be unavoidable. Also, how should I tell his girlfriend? This could potentially devestate the both of them, so I need to do it in the right way.

It only gets better from there, folks.

So kids who like music, play an instrument, and play tennis are all gay. Your arriving at that conclusion is scary. Feeling a need to express it to your son (AND HIS GIRLFRIEND!) is even scarier.

The thing is, I've already told all my friends that he's gay and if I can't get him to admit that he's gay, I'll lose a 500 dollar bet.

The era of the blogger book deal is over. Publishers, start crawling the message boards.

How do I tell my son that he's gay? []