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[UPDATE: Rick Rockwell has contacted us to deny any involvement with the below ad, obviously the work of an anonymous, troublemaking Craigslist miscreant with access to unflattering photos.]

We have some exciting news for all you lucky available ladies out there in the greater Vancouver area. Rick Rockwell, former Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire groomsman, noted restraining order recipient, and overall glorious Buddhic incarnation of the dark side of covetous celebrity infatuation, is back on the scene! Yes, this Rockwell too always feels like somebody's watching him, and you know what? It's a damn nice feeling! Why else post a craigslist ad , replete with two photos, searching for an "Airline Professional" (read: hot stewardess) with whom he can share his technical* millions (*we never said dollars)!

AIRLINE PROFESSIONAL sought by Great Guy... Reply to: Date: 2005-10-24, 1:40PM PDT

Thanks for visiting!

I have a great life and I'd love to meet someone to travel the world with. I have no set schedule and money's no issue. Basically, I have the time and means to travel.

My life is interesting and fulfilled. I'm joining the Semiahmoo Country Club in the Spring and building a new home on Boundary Bay. But don't let that deceive you—I'm very grounded and unassuming. I could buy any car in the world and I drive a Toyota Prius because I think it's cool, practical, and the right thing to do.

My principals are non-negotiable; yet, I'm not the judgmental type. We all make mistakes, don't we?

Would you like to join me for mutual respect, fun, travel, a life bereft of emotional drama and financial worry, etc.?


-Very physically fit and active.
-6', 185
-Brown hair
-Golden Brown eyes
-Creative Business
-Real Estate Investing Business

Please send a photo and some basic info and let's take it from there!

Stay well,